4th Day, After Exams

This is a translation of projectMDHM‘s “petite amie magique ~Madoka and Homura’s Exam Week~”.

This morning’s exam will be on science and the afternoon’s on social studies.
Since it’s the last day of testing, the classroom’s mood is different, too.
Some people are completely relaxed and chatting, while others are busy studying, perhaps to improve their scores as much as possible.
I’m also diligently studying at my desk.
I know I won’t be failing in any more subjects, but since Homura-chan took time to tutor me, I want to get higher marks.
I’ll do my best!
The last day’s tests begin!

After school.
The troublesome exam week is finally over. Of course, today was a cinch.
Homura-chan and I walk together in high spirits.
The setting sun casts our shadows as a single long shape. It’s because I’m clinging to her arm.
She’s a little embarrassed, but she doesn’t pull away.
My steps were light as if I were skipping.
No matter how you put it, the exams are finished. That means we can have sleepovers again!

【Madoka】 「Homura-chan.」
【Homura】 「Yes, Madoka?」
【Madoka】 「Ehehe, just wanted to say your name.」
【Homura】 「Jeez, Madoka…」
I can be with her now. Overjoyed, I can’t help but fool around a bit.
【Homura】 「Hey, Madoka?」
【Madoka】 「Yes, Homura-chan?」
【Homura】 「Just wanted to say your name.」
【Madoka】 「Ah, the tables have turned on me.」
【Homura】 「Huhu, now we’re even.」

Our long-awaited break starts tomorrow. That reminds me, how shall we start it off?
As I think it over, a good idea comes to me.
【Madoka】 (I know! To thank her for helping me study, this time we’ll do things that she enjoys the most.)
【Madoka】 「Hey, Homura-chan. Where would you like to go tomorrow?」
【Homura】 「Madoka, are you already making plans?」
【Madoka】 「That’s because I’ve been putting it off all week. So, don’t you have any places you want to go?」
【Homura】 「Well…. Do you want to go somewhere?」
【Madoka】 「It’s not about me, it’s about where you want to go.」
【Homura】 「Any place is enjoyable as long as I’m with you.」
【Madoka】 「Same here… but that’s beside the point.」

She always dodges questions like that.
But, this time I won’t let her do so.
【Madoka】 「Then, do you prefer the zoo or the aquarium?」
【Homura】 「Well, then… the aquarium.」
【Madoka】 「Wehihi! It’s decided then!」
We neared the fork in the road. I pulled on her sleeve.

【Madoka】 「Hey, Homura-chan…」
She understands what I’m going to say. She looks slightly embarrassed.
【Homura】 「Is it all right to visit your place again so soon after yesterday…」
【Madoka】 「You don’t have to worry about that. My parents asked me to invite you over.」
【Homura】 「They did?」
【Madoka】 「Yeah, they want to thank you.」
【Homura】 「For helping you study? Did you tell them about it?」
【Madoka】 「I didn’t, but they seemed to know anyway.」
She smiles wryly.
【Homura】 「If that’s the case, then it would be rude to decline. Shall we have dinner, then?」
