Bloom Into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka (3) (4)

This is a review of the English version of Bloom Into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka, licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment.

Another volume 3. The latter half of chapter 3 was previously covered here.
This one is about chapter 4 and miscellaneous mistakes.

page 224-225 (Japanese)

“But you are my senpai.”

This is inconsistent with how the publisher translates 先輩, which is “upperclassman/upperclassmen” when used generally and “senpai” when used as a name.

“But you are my upperclassman.”

“I just feel a ton of resistance about calling someone older than me by their first name.”

Concerning 呼び捨て: now the issue seems to be about using first names. How has Haru been addressing Sayaka all this time?
The issue is about not using an honorific. It should be noted that the publisher properly conveyed this concept in volume 1 and earlier in this volume.

“I feel a ton of resistance to calling someone older than me just by their name.”

page 226-227 (Japanese)

Haru accepted my statement and seemed satisfied; she touched my hair, which was now at my back, and stroked it softly.
For a while, we stayed like that in front of the apartment front with its small amount of illumination.

Concerning 下ろした髪: now Sayaka’s hair seems to have grown to her back. This is inconsistent with the illustration. Also, “in front of the apartment front” is redundant.
Sayaka doesn’t do up part of her hair, and Haru strokes that lock.

Haru accepts my statement and seems satisfied; she touches the lock of hair I wore loose.
Gently, she strokes it.
For a while, we stayed like that in front of the apartment with its small amount of illumination.

“Using your first name, huh… Maybe I’ll ask Yuu-chan for pointers.”

Concerning 呼び捨て: now the issue seems to be about using first names. How has Haru been addressing Sayaka all this time?
The issue is about not using an honorific. Also, the publisher properly conveyed this concept in volume 1 and earlier in this volume.

“Using just your name, huh… Maybe I’ll ask Yuu-chan for pointers.”

“Since Yuu-chan said that she uses her girlfriend’s first name.”
I didn’t know that. I wondered if, when they were alone together with hands entwined, they put aside all distance and called each other by their first names.

Same change in nuance as the previous example. Extraneous implication: now Sayaka wonders if Yuu and Touko use each other’s first names when they hold hands.
Sayaka wonders if Yuu does not use an honorific when alone with Touko.

“Since Yuu-chan said that she calls her girlfriend just by her name.”
I didn’t know that. Did they call each other like that when they were alone together, putting aside all distance as if to entwine hands?

page 228 (Japanese)

“Oh, yeah, I guess that’s true.”

Concerning そうなるのか: now Haru seems to accept Sayaka as a bad girl.
Haru wonders if that makes Sayaka a bad girl.

“Ah, is that how it goes?”

page 231 (Japanese)

Our chilliness and the slow itchiness that was coming about and the warmth…

Concerning じわじわと生まれるむず痒さと温かさは: now the warmth seems to be separate from the itchiness.
As described in the scene where Sayaka and Haru visit Yuu, itchiness comes from the growing heat.

Our chilliness, the itchiness and warmth that was slowly coming about…

page 234 (Japanese)

But maybe this was just part of falling in love with someone.

Concerning 人を好きになる: the parallel with the chapter endings in volume 2 are gone.
Sayaka wanted to know more about coming to love someone, and truly learned what that meant after she met Haru.

But perhaps this is what it means to come to love someone.

…But, for three more months or so, I wanted to at least feign being a good senpai.

This is inconsistent with how the publisher translates 先輩, which is “upperclassman/upperclassmen” when used generally and “senpai” when used as a name.


page 236 (Japanese)

Of course, since I was depicting a character that didn’t appear in the manga based on very basic information, I naturally had to come up with everything myself, so…I feel like there’s something about her that’s a little different from the manga’s atmosphere.

How much sense do the subclauses “that didn’t appear in the manga based on very basic information” make? Loss of details: 明確に is gone.
Haru exists in the manga’s setting, and makes no direct appearance.

Of course, I had to come up with and depict a character who was just established without appearing in the manga, but I clearly feel like there’s something about her that’s a little different from the manga’s atmosphere.

The following sets are inconsistent translations for the same lines of text.

near the end of chapter 1

“Because, right now, I’ve fallen for you,” she said.

near the end of chapter 2

“Because, right now, I’m in love with you.”

page 12 and 105 (Japanese)

the color gallery

After opening up her heart to me, that was the final thing she did to finish things off.
Edamoto-san, literally right before my eyes, only was half-visible in my vision.
In the other half of my vision, I absentmindedly thought back to my junior high days.

near the end of chapter 2

With that finishing blow, she opened up her heart to me completely.
Edamoto-san, literally right before my eyes, was only half-visible to me.
In the other half of my vision, I dazedly thought back to my junior high days.

page 2 and 105 (Japanese)

The character should say the same thing when it is the same event, and the color gallery excerpt is supposed to match the passage in the story.
It is a shame how the publisher seems to have an aversion to keeping events and passages consistent.

“Because, right now, I love you.”
She finished off with that, baring her heart to me.
Only half of me registered Edamoto-san, who was literally right before my eyes.
The other half was dazedly thinking back on my junior high days.

This volume, similar to the previous ones, has over 150 changes.

Thus concludes the investigation on nuances lost or changed in the light novels.
Many thanks to everyone who supported me with this project.
By the way, the publisher also made errors in the anthology: volume 1 and volume 2.

Thoughts and things

By coincidence, I took issue with every volume’s opening line.

I don’t understand why the publisher cut content in the first place, since novels are supposed to depict the character’s thoughts, tangents and all.
Not to mention some of the lines that the editorial process deemed “unnecessary” were important enough to show up in the stage reading adaptation.

Various incongruities and grammar errors could have been avoided if the publisher used “senpai” instead of “upperclassman/upperclassmen”.

I’ve commented before about how I use “I love ____” as opposed to the publisher’s “I’m in love with ____” for ○○が好き when critiquing the manga, but Haru’s case is rather notable.
To quote from page 184: 「友情と愛情に違いなんてないよ。相手を大切に想うこと、それが全部だから」 「だからわたしは、家族も、友達も、沙弥香先輩もみんな大事かどうかだけで考えてる。言い方はなんだけど、優先したい順位とかもね」
In contrast to people who cherish others in terms of family/friends/lovers/etc., Haru cherishes by ranking.
For example, Haru might cherish Sayaka more than she cherishes her family, and she might cherish her family more than she cherishes her friends.
Since Haru doesn’t particularly differentiate between types of affection, it would make more sense for her to use “I love you” rather than variations of “I’m in love with you”.

There are a lot of lines that parallel each other, but these patterns are lost because the publisher translates inconsistently or even removes the reoccurring words/phrases.

Apparently, the publisher cannot keep Sayaka’s book preferences consistent.

If I had not waited for the publisher to fail to carry out their plans of releasing re-edited editions later in 2021, this project would have been completed about half a year sooner.

I don’t like how much Sayaka loses her wonderings and how her thoughts lose their flow.

What was the point of changing the taste of beer from bitter to sour?

I don’t like the change in tenses. The novel in Japanese uses a mix of non-past and past tense, but in English uses past tense.
As a result, Sayaka’s voice isn’t quite captured.
With non-past tense, the transition happens smoothly between Sayaka’s narration (observations) and her thoughts (commentary).
By turning things into past tense, Sayaka’s thoughts are changed into narration or become italicized.
Furthermore, they are inconsistently italicized.

Did the publisher really think that removing a spoken line would not affect the dialogue?

It should be noted that the person credited for the manga and anthology’s translation is credited for the light novel’s adaptation.
This makes inconsistencies between the stories more conspicuous. If one is involved with all the stories in this series, shouldn’t they be familiar with its aspects?
One of the translators for the light novels even mentioned that term sheets/style sheets exist.

Why did the publisher use different romanization systems for the manga and light novels?

Similar to the manga, there is a reoccurring problem with words pertaining to time. If you construct a timeline based on the changed words, it would only make sense if the series took place in a world that uses different logic.

I didn’t keep an exact count, but the total number of differences/errors in the manga, light novel, and anthology series is over 900, maybe even 1000.

It was rather vindicating to see the stage reading adaptation match much better with my interpretations than with Seven Seas’.

Even if one ignores the translation quality, the writing quality is such that some passages make no sense.

Bloom Into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka (3) (3.2)

This is a review of the English version of Bloom Into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka, licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment.

Another volume 3. The first half of chapter 3 was previously covered here.
This one is about the latter half of chapter 3.

page 172-174 (Japanese)

>Make sure to practice. That was a joke.<

Loss of details: the nuance of messaging is gone. Furthermore, this email format is inconsistent with all the other messages between Sayaka and Haru, in which the publisher kept the texting format.

>Better get training<
>that was a joke<

>Hey, Yuu. I know we made plans for tomorrow…but can I bring someone along?<

≫Sure, Saeki-senpai. Who is it? Touko-senpai? Oh, I guess it wouldn’t be her…≪

>How would that possibly make sense?<

≫I dunno…but when I’m staring off into space alone sometimes, I half-expect you and Touko-senpai to come by together.≪

>Right… I suppose that makes sense.<

≫Oh, is this a college friend? The one you talked about before?≪

>…Kind of, yes. I’m not sure how to put this. She’s not exactly a friend anymore.<

≫She’s not a friend? Did you get in a fight? Wait, I guess you wouldn’t bring someone you fought with…≪

>I guess it does still sort of feel like a friendship, too…<

≫I don’t really get it.≪

>Um, to put it simply…I want to introduce you to my girlfriend.<











Loss of details: the nuance of messaging is gone. Furthermore, this email format is inconsistent with all the other messages between Sayaka and Yuu, in which the publisher kept the texting format. Concerning 明日会う約束だったけれど: now Sayaka seems address Yuu by her first name. Loss of details: 『少しですけどね』 is gone.
This is inconsistent with their relationship. Sayaka calls Yuu “Koito-san”.

>I know we made plans for tomorrow<
>but can I bring someone along?<

≫That’s fine. Who is it?≪
≫Oh, I guess it wouldn’t be her…≪

>What was the meaning of that roundabout…<

≫I dunno≪
≫but when I’m alone and spacing out≪
≫I still get the feeling in college≪
≫that you and Touko-senpai will come by together≪
≫only a little though≪

>that might be just how it is<

≫Ah, is this a college friend?≪
≫The one you talked about before≪

>…Yes, well<
>how should I put it<
>she’s not exactly a friend anymore<

≫She’s not a friend?≪
≫Did you have a fight?≪
≫Wait, you wouldn’t bring someone you fought with…≪

>But it does still kind of feel like a friendship<

≫I don’t really get it≪

>Um, to put it simply<
>I want to introduce you to my girlfriend<

page 176 (Japanese)

Looking up at its name, Haru wrinkled here nose.

Wrong spelling.

Looking up at its name, Haru frowns.

page 179 (Japanese)

Koito-san lowered her eyebrows and smiled slyly.

Concerning 困った: now Yuu seems mischievous.
Yuu is in an awkward situation.

Koito-san lowers her eyebrows and gives a troubled smile.

page 180 (Japanese)

“What do you call Haru, Saeki-senpai?”

Extraneous implication: now Yuu refers to Haru without honorifics.

“What do you call her, Saeki-senpai?”

page 182 (Japanese)

My kohai, whom I’d seen as a child, was all grown up.

This is inconsistent with how the publisher translates 後輩, which is “underclassman/underclassmen”.


page 184-185 (Japanese)

“So when I think about my family or my friends, or even you, I consider all of you my cherished loved ones. I hate to put it this way, but I think of how I prioritize everyone, too.”

Concerning 大事かどうかだけで考えてる: now Haru seems to repeat her previous point about cherishing her friends and lovers the alike.
Because there isn’t a difference between friendship and love to Haru, she thinks about those people as whether they are important. This ties into the following conversation about Sayaka’s ranking of people important to her.

“So whether I’m thinking about my family, friends, or you, it’s only in terms of importance. I hate to put it this way, but I rank everyone I prioritize.”

The fingers of her left hand slowly started to rise. She seemed to be hesitating over whether to put them down.

Loss of details: でも留まる。 is gone.

The fingers of her left hand slowly start to rise. But they stop. She hesitates over whether to put them down.

page 190 (Japanese)

Although perhaps I was just being stubborn and selfish.

Concerning わがままを押し通す: now Sayaka seems to have done nothing she wanted because she was stubborn and selfish. This makes no sense.
Sayaka considers that doing what she wants means persisting in selfishness, to not be bound by virtue.

Perhaps doing the things I want is about pushing my selfishness through.

page 193 (Japanese)

I squinted my eyes when I told her my opinion, and Haru didn’t make any sign of changing hers to agree with me.

Concerning 自分の意見を語り: now Sayaka seems to have given her opinion after Haru.
Haru is the one who gives her opinion about liking dogs more.

I narrow my eyes at Haru, who shows no sign of adapting her opinion to me.

page 195 (Japanese)

The silence continued for a little while.

Concerning 続いた: now there seems to have been silence in the first place.
Silence followed after Haru’s denial.

A few moments of silence ensued.

page 198-199 (Japanese)

I’ll leave out what transpired when we went to change in the locker room.

Extraneous implication: now something seems to have occurred in the locker room that Sayaka won’t mention.
Also, how does this translation fit with the following passage about Haru seeing Sayaka in her swimsuit?

I’ll leave out the part about changing clothes in the locker room.

Haru had me stop and then went around behind me.

Concerning 後ろに下がる: now Haru seems to examine Sayaka’s backside.
Haru backs away to get a full view of Sayaka.

Haru has me stop, and then she steps back from me.

“You’re so lewd,” I said.

Wrong speaker. Haru says this.

“So sexy.”

page 200-201 (Japanese)

The long-ago feelings held in this water were like an anchor, securing my memories so I would never forget them.

Concerning その水を帯びた思い出: now the water seems to hold feelings born from a different pool.
Sayaka recalls her experience of that day when she was alone with a girl in the pool.

That watery experience was like an anchor moored to my memories, so that I would never forget it.

page 202-203 (Japanese)

The happiness and joy I felt around her were so steady that it made me uneasy instead. I’d never experienced love going well before.

Loss of details: その不安の正体は恐らく、未知。 is gone.

The happiness and joy I feel around her are so steady that it makes me uneasy instead.
The source of my anxiety is probably the unknown.
Because until now, I did not have any experience with love going well.

page 205 (Japanese)

I forgot breathing, gravity, and so many things, as only the sound of Haru’s heartbeat remained in the water.

Concerning ハルと心臓の音: now Sayaka seems to hear Haru’s heartbeat in the water.
Sayaka hears a flowing sound similar to a heartbeat, which does not belong to Haru.

I forget breathing, gravity, and many other things, leaving only Haru and the sound of a heart in the water.

page 212-213 (Japanese)

“We saw each other at the culture festival, but it still feels like it’s been a long time.”
Touko celebrated our reunion with a merry tone. “Yes, it really has been some time. I’m sure.”

Concerning そう、本当に久しぶりだった。きっと。: now Touko seems to talk to herself.
Sayaka internally agrees with Touko’s statement.

“We saw each other at the culture festival, but once again: it’s been a while.”
Touko celebrates our reunion in a cheerful tone. Yes, it has been a really long time. I’m sure.

“I haven’t heard much about it.”

Concerning よくの部分: now Touko seems to say that Yuu doesn’t tell her about meeting up with Sayaka.
Touko refers to Sayaka’s comment “I see her a lot.”

“I haven’t heard about the a lot part.”

I couldn’t tell whether Touko was saying that as a joke or if she really meant it.

Loss of details: すぐに is gone.

I couldn’t immediately tell whether Touko said that as a joke or if she was being serious.

page 214-215 (Japanese)

“It’s Kano-san’s book.”

This is inconsistent with how the publisher translates 叶 in the manga.

“Kanou-san’s book.”

Kano-san was going to the same college as Touko.

Same change in nuance as above.


“Well, if you really become a big-time actress, you might have plenty of opportunities.”

Concerning 役者の道に本格的に進むなら: now Sayaka seems to talk about the possibility of Touko becoming famous.
Sayaka talks about the possibility of Touko committing to acting.

“If you plan to make acting your career, perhaps such opportunities will come your way.”

“Right. I really think you should talk to Koito-san and make a decision.”

Extraneous implication: now Sayaka seems more forceful. Loss of details: 先のこと is gone.

“Right. I think you should discuss the future with Koito-san and come to a decision.”

page 217 (Japanese)

“You don’t have to explain yourself to me.”

Loss of details: ごまかすようにカップに口をつける燈子に苦笑してしまう。 is gone.

“Why are you making excuses to me?”
I smile wryly at Touko, who puts her mouth to the cup as if to cover it up.

“All right, I won’t tell.” I imagined Koito-san would be able to guess that much just by looking into the fridge, though.

Loss of details: 子供の悪戯 is gone.

I think Koito-san would easily guess that much if she were to see the contents of the refrigerator, though.
“Got it.”
I make a promise to keep her childish mischief a secret.

page 218-219 (Japanese)

“It was the same with the play, but there were a lot of things I still didn’t know…a world I didn’t know about. In the past, I used to be scared of making contact with things like that and changing. But then…”

Concerning 演劇もそうなんだけどね、私は知らないことがまだたくさんあって: now Touko seems to talk about the student council play.
Touko talks about lacking knowledge about the world of theater.

“It’s the same with theater—there are still plenty of things I don’t know…a world I don’t know about. I used to be afraid of making contact with things like that and changing.”

That was likely proof of the difference between Koito-san and I—her courage.

Extraneous implication: now courage seems to be conclusive evidence.

I guess that is where the difference between Koito-san and me shows itself—in her courage.

So before the opportunities for us to meet became rarer, I wanted to enjoy myself as much as I could in the moment.

Loss of details: the parallel of やりたいことをやって with やりたいことをやった is gone.
This is a continuation of Sayaka moving, becoming less bound by virtue.

Before the opportunities for us to meet up like this become rarer, I will do the things I want to do now.

Next is chapter 4 and miscellaneous mistakes.

Bloom Into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka (3) (3.1)

This is a review of the English version of Bloom Into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka, licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment.

Another volume 3. The latter half of chapter 2 was previously covered here.
This one is about the first half of chapter 3.

page 117 (Japanese)

>I had alcohol yesterday. With a friend.<

Loss of details: the nuance of messaging is gone.

>I had alcohol yesterday<
>with a friend<

≫I hear it’s sour.≪

酸っぱい is sour. Bitter is 苦い.

≫I hear it’s bitter≪

>It was so sour.<

Same change in nuance as above.

>it was so bitter<

page 118-119 (Japanese)

≫Haha, fair enough.≪

Concerning あはは: this is inconsistent with all the other times Touko laughs.

≫Ahaha, fair enough≪

The coffee I’d ordered had been prepared while I was preoccupied with my phone.

Concerning 俯いている間にいつの間にか: now Sayaka seems to be playing with her phone while she has a headache.
Sayaka is looking down, which is how Miyako guesses that she isn’t doing too well.

The coffee I’d ordered had been prepared at some point while my face was turned down.

page 120-121 (Japanese)

Of course that’s how she would interpret things, since I looked sick, but the reality was even more miserable than that.

Loss of details: 少し is gone.

I see, so that’s how she interprets things based on my poor complexion.
But the reality is a bit more miserable than that.

It tasted familiar, although I couldn’t quite place it.

Concerning 馴染みはそこまでなくても知っている: now the sentence is backwards.
Sayaka can recognize the taste despite not encountering it regularly.

It was a taste I knew, even though I wasn’t that familiar with it.

page 126 (Japanese)

“I’m not quite asking for advice, but even talking about it like this does make me feel better.”
“Of course…”

Wrong speakers. Miyako speaks, then Sayaka.

“This isn’t quite a consultation, but just talking about it makes things easier, doesn’t it.”

page 129 (Japanese)

Although it was hard to face that fact head-on.

Loss of details: 少し is gone.

It’s a little difficult to admit and face it, though.

page 136-137 (Japanese)

Edamoto-san’s voice didn’t sit right, as though she had lost her balance. Her tone indicated she was impatient to hear what came next.

Concerning 腰が浮いた: now Haru seems to have poor balance.
Haru sounds like she’s rising from her seat because of her eagerness.

Edamoto-san’s voice was unsteady, as though she wouldn’t sit still, waiting to hear what came next.

…The conversation was already completely off-track.

Concerning 折られてしまった: now the topic seems to have strayed from some main point.
The conversation came to a halt because Haru started mumbling to herself.

…The flow of conversation was completely broken.

page 139 (Japanese)

Once I finished saying that, the sound of the crying cicadas seemed to nestle up to the back of my ears and grow louder all at once.

Extraneous implication: now the cicada cries seem to get closer and louder at the same time.

After I said that, the cry of cicadas grew louder all at once, as if it had nestled on the back of my ears.

page 142-143 (Japanese)

What an awful thing to do to a underclassman, I must say.

Improper grammar.

an underclassman

But as basic as this problem might be, I didn’t feel love for her from the bottom of my heart.

Loss of details: 今 is gone.

But as fundamental as this issue might be, it’s not as though I love her from the bottom of my heart right now.

page 144 (Japanese)

…So that I wouldn’t make a mistake this time.

Concerning 失敗: now Sayaka seems to hesitate because she made mistakes before.
Sayaka hesitates because her previous relationship failed.

To make sure I would not fail this time.

page 148 (Japanese)

Of course, it was a given that you loved them.
But maybe people ought to check in with each other’s feelings more on a daily basis, just like how we examine facilities and equipment so they don’t fail.

Concerning 人が日々、施設や装置の点検を欠かさないように: now Sayaka seems to think people should say “I love you” every day so that their love won’t fail.
Sayaka considers that if people make sure to regularly inspect things they care about, maybe it can apply to emotions.

Naturally, this is assuming that you love them.
But just as people should not fail to inspect their facilities and equipment on a daily basis, perhaps we should do more to check in with each other’s feelings.

page 150-151 (Japanese)

I almost ended up sputtering with laughter at Midori’s deadpan voice.

Concerning 声のでこぼこ具合: now Midori’s voice seems to lack emotion.
Midori’s voice is in a rough condition.

frazzled voice

Though I might have been giving her too much credit.

Loss of details: 友人への贔屓目による is gone.

I might have been giving too much credit out of partiality towards my friends.

page 156-157 (Japanese)

“Sayaka-senpai, you really are a little weird after all.”

Loss of details: かも is gone. Now Haru seems more rude.

“Sayaka-senpai, maybe you are a little weird after all.”

I didn’t feel a jolt that day, like I did when I first saw Touko.

Concerning あの日: now Sayaka seems distant from the present day.
Sayaka refers to the time she first saw Touko as “that day”.

I didn’t feel a shock, like I did on the day I first saw Touko.

page 165 (Japanese)

But I had gotten caught up in that slightly and let it get too long.

Concerning 引きずって: now Sayaka seems to have been captivated by the definite sense of time.
Sayaka’s heartbreak is a bit prolonged.

But it dragged a little too much, got a little too long.

page 165 (Japanese)

Perhaps I should take the weather into account when mimicking Edamoto-san.

Concerning 季節: the weather is not equivalent to the season.

It might have been better to take the season into consideration when mimicking Edamoto-san.

page 166-167 (Japanese)

“I cut my hair.”

Wrong speaker. Haru says this.

“You cut your hair.”

“You just sort of did it?” Edamoto-san repeated.

Loss of details: 私のごまかし is gone.

You just sort of did it, huh, Edamoto-san repeats my deflection.

I had finally cut off what had been dragging me back a little, even if I claimed it was fine.
“You said you loved me when I had different hair, and now it’s suddenly short—what do you think?”

Concerning あなたが好きだと言った髪: now Sayaka seems to refer to Haru’s declarations of love in general.
Sayaka refers to the time when Haru said she liked her long hair.

It had been dragging a little though I said it was fine, and today I cut it off.
“You said you liked my hair, and now it’s suddenly shortened—what do you think?”

“I think I might’ve fallen in love with you even more.”
She came straight towards me and brushed her fingers through my hair.

Loss of details: また is gone.

“I think I love you even more now.”
She immediately came over again and brushed her fingers through my hair.

page 168-169 (Japanese)

I wondered what was so different, even though they were both underclassman.

Improper grammar.


As she talked, she came straight back to my side.

Loss of details: また is gone.

As she spoke, she came right back to my side again.

Next is the latter half of chapter 3.

Bloom Into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka (3) (2.2)

This is a review of the English version of Bloom Into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka, licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment.

Another volume 3. The first half of chapter 2 was previously covered here.
Chapter 2 has roughly twice the amount of nuance differences as chapter 1, so it’s divided into two entries.
This one is about the latter half of chapter 2.

page 54-55 (Japanese)

≫I’m here.≪
≫I’ll go ahead in.≪

>I just arrived, too.<

≫I can see your head.≪



Concerning 「頭が見える」 and 「わっ」: now Sayaka receives these messages.
Sayaka speaks to Yuu, who exclaims in surprise.

≫I’m here≪
≫I’ll go ahead in≪

>I just arrived, too<

“I can see your head.”

When I said that, the bookseller bowed her head jokingly.

Loss of details: 娘さん is gone. Also, Sayaka refers to Yuu as 本屋の子供 and 本屋の子 in the previous volumes.

When I said that, the daughter of a bookseller bowed her head jokingly.

page 56 (Japanese)

“I don’t think that’s true.”
The girl who sat across from me was Koito Yuu.

Loss of details: 大学から離れても先輩と呼ばれる。けど、今度は相手が違う。 is gone.

“I don’t think that’s true.”
I’m being called Senpai even though I’m away from college. But the one doing so is different this time.
Sitting across from me is Koito Yuu.

Though she wasn’t here with us now, I asked for the latest news about her anyway.

Extraneous implication: now there seems to be something notable about asking about an absent person.

I ask for an update on the girl who is not present.

page 57 (Japanese)

“Then why bother asking me? Isn’t that a bit pointless?” Koito-san laughed.
“It’s not pointless,” I politely objected. “I wanted to know how Touko seems to you.”

Concerning 遠回り: now Yuu seems to find Sayaka’s questioning to be without purpose.
Yuu finds Sayaka’s way of obtaining information to be indirect.

“Then isn’t asking me rather roundabout?” Koito-san smiles wryly.
I politely objected.
“It’s not roundabout. I wanted to know how Touko seems to you.”

She was still working at the high school as always, and would give me the latest updates whenever we saw each other.

Loss of details: 軽い is gone. Concerning 交わす: now Hakozaki-sensei seems like a gossip.
The transfer of information goes both ways.

She is still working at the high school, and we would exchange small updates whenever we see each other.

page 58 (Japanese)

Apparently, Koito-san had been staying over at Touko’s place “occasionally,” which I took to mean “very frequently.”

Extraneous implication: now Yuu seems to have described her visits. Loss of details: といった表現が適切な程度 is gone.

It seems Koito-san stays over at Touko’s place at a rate where calling it “rather often” or “frequently” would be apt.

“Huh? How did you know…?”

Loss of details: どこどこ、と問うように小糸さんがあたふたと焦る。別に後ろ暗いことがあるわけでもないでしょうに。 is gone.

Koito-san gets in a fluster as though asking what gave it away. It’s not like there was something shady about it.

page 63 (Japanese)

I absentmindedly stared at the screen, my half-open eyes barely registering the next piece of footage.

Concerning 半ば目に入らない: now Sayaka’s eyes are half-open.
Sayaka does not fully take in what she is looking at.

I absentmindedly stare at the screen, unable to register the next piece of footage even halfway.

page 65 (Japanese)

I supposed that in theory, whether we met intentionally or by coincidence, it was all the same.
“It is the right weather for going to the pool.”

Concerning 運命: now Sayaka seems to consider if they met by random occurrence. Concerning 季節: the weather is not equivalent to the season.
Sayaka considers if they met by some higher power. Going to the pool is seen as a summer activity.

I wouldn’t deny that I had thought whether we met by intention or by fate, it was all the same.
“It is the season for going to the pool.”

page 67 (Japanese)

I tilted my head from the sunlight, and from Edamoto-san’s shamelessly cheerful smile as she said my name.

Concerning 名前に恥じない陽気な笑いをこぼす: now Sayaka seems to find it noteworthy that Haru said her name.
Sayaka notes that Haru is written with the kanji 陽.

I tilt my head from the sunlight, and from Edamoto-san, who lets out a merry laugh worthy of her name.

“Maybe a little. But for the most part, I’m serious, so…”

Concerning 半分くらいは。: now Haru seems less sarcastic.
Haru’s remark is approximately equal in sarcasm and sincerity.

“About half of me is. But the rest of me is being sincere, so…”

page 68 (Japanese)

Edamoto-san’s eyes fixed on one of the girls among them, who was watching her as well.

Loss of details: そして is gone.

Edamoto-san’s gaze goes to one of them, which that girl then senses.

page 71 (Japanese)

It was the smoking area that tended to smell, where trees had been planted as though to enclose it.

Extraneous implication: now the smoking area seems to stink. Also, this is inconsistent with how the publisher describes the place in volume 2 chapter 3.

It was a smoking area marked with the fragrance of trees planted around it.

“Was that girl from earlier related to why you were crying that day?”

Loss of details: 泣かされたのか、と尋ねてみる。 is gone.

Did she make you cry, I ask.

I remembered Koito-san’s flustered face when she expressed similar doubts during our last meetup, and smiled a little.

Concerning 疑われたの: now Yuu and Haru seem to disbelieve Sayaka. About what?
Yuu and Haru believe that Sayaka is extremely perceptive.

I remember how Koito-san gave me a similar look of suspicion the other day, and smile a little.

page 75 (Japanese)

“She said that since coming to college, she felt self-conscious about how others saw two girls being together, I guess… Something like that, anyway”
What an awful reason. Internally, I sympathized with Edamoto-san.

Improper punctuation. Loss of details: 目を細める is gone.

“She said that since coming to college, she felt self-conscious about how others saw two girls being together, I guess… Something like that, anyway.”
What an awful reason. I internally sympathize with Edamoto-san, who has narrowed her eyes.

page 79 (Japanese)

It was the evidence of my past that still remained within me just a little—and she said that she liked it.

Loss of details: 引きずられた is gone.

My past that remained within me a little, that I had prolonged—she said that she liked it.

page 81 (Japanese)

July twenty-ninth, on the morning of my birthday, the same muggy heat swept over us as the last few days.

Run-on sentence.

July twenty-ninth. On the morning of my birthday, the same muggy heat swept over us as the last few days.

page 84 (Japanese)

≫I think gift-giving is as much for the giver as the receiver.≪

Loss of details: よりも is gone.

≫I think gift-giving is more for the giver than the receiver≪

page 89 (Japanese)

It felt the same as when she used to ask whether I had classes.

This is inconsistent with how the publisher translates 習い事, which are lessons.

It felt the same as when she used to ask whether I had lessons.

My grandmother narrowed her eyes. The cat on her knees also waved its tail as it looked at me.

Concerning 細い目を少し広げる: Sayaka’s grandmother’s eyes are narrow by default, and she slightly widens them in surprise.

My grandmother’s narrow eyes widened slightly. The cat on her knees also watched me, tail swaying.

page 92 (Japanese)

It wasn’t as though such thoughts had never entered my mind—thoughts of what would have happened if I hadn’t made the wrong decision.

Concerning 選択: now the choice is a decision.
This calls back to a notable passage in volume 2, in which Sayaka chose to be wrong.

I wouldn’t deny that I had thought about such things myself—of what would have happened if I hadn’t made the wrong choice somewhere.

page 93 (Japanese)

Technically, I should still be able to decide whether to drink the beer in my glass or not.

Concerning 選べる: now the choice is a decision.
A few lines later Sayaka realizes that she has no choice about drinking.

Technically, I should still be able to choose whether to drink the beer in my glass or not.

page 94 (Japanese)

When I brought the glass to my face, the sour smell of alcohol struck my nose.

Extraneous implication: now the smell of alcohol seems to have gone bad.

When I brought the glass to my face, the sharp smell of alcohol struck my nose.

“It’s sour.”

酸っぱい (すっぱい) is sour. Bitter is 苦い (にがい).

“It’s bitter.”

page 97 (Japanese)

Whenever I learned something knew, the uncertain parts of my vision became clearer, as though I were putting on prescription glasses.

Wrong spelling.

It makes the uncertain parts of my vision become clearer, as though I were putting on prescription glasses.

page 98 (Japanese)

Edamoto-san smiled and half-nodded, her ponytail bouncing with joy. “But still, all that studying was worth it. Since I got to meet you.”
I wasn’t sure how to respond. I was happy to have met her, too, but it was difficult for me to express my true feelings. That didn’t seem to matter to Edamoto-san, though.

Loss of details: 勿論とばかりに and いや隠したくなる自分だって素直な気持ちの一つだろう。 are gone. Concerning 枝元さんとは無縁のようだけど。: now the subject is completely different.
Sayaka’s hiding of her honest feelings is part of her character, not just when she is with Haru.

Edamoto-san smiles and brushes it off as beyond doubt.
“But still, all that studying was worth it. Since I got to meet you, Sayaka-senpai.”
Her ponytail bounces with joy, along with her smile. I’m not too sure how to respond.
It wasn’t as though I didn’t feel happy to have met this girl, but it was difficult for me to express it openly. No, it’s one of my honest feelings I’m tempted to hide, even from myself. That seems unrelated to Edamoto-san, though.

page 99-100 (Japanese)

“Yup, that’s sour all right.”

酸っぱい is sour. Bitter is 苦い.

“It’s bitter all right.”

“I may have drunk some cooking alcohol before…” My underclassman averted her eyes slyly.

Loss of details: 戻した缶を一瞥して、少し考えて、口元を緩めた。 and 思ったよりも、経験の多い後輩だ。 are gone.

“I’ve actually had a little alcohol meant for cooking before.”
Or not, my underclassman averted her eyes. I glanced at the can she put back on the table, thought for a bit, and my mouth softened.
This underclassman has more experience than I thought.

All I knew was that it wasn’t a scale. Even strangers who were irrelevant to each other could establish equilibrium.
I sank back into silence. Edamoto-san looked at me and the window as she tilted her glass. Since my body had nothing to do while we were silent, I sipped the beer little by little in spite of its sourness.

Loss of details: 均等であることが正しいとは思えない。 and だからなにかが違って、でも正解に辿り着くことができなくてもどかしい。 is gone.
Also, 酸っぱい is sour. Bitter is 苦い.

Still, it shouldn’t be a scale. I don’t think a relationship is about how well it evens out. Even strangers who are irrelevant to each other can establish equilibrium. So something is off, but it’s frustrating that I can’t figure out what would make sense.
I keep thinking about it and naturally become closemouthed. Edamoto-san is also quiet, looking at me and out the window as she tilts her glass. The silence continues, and since my body has nothing to do, I end up sipping the beer little by little in spite of its bitterness.

Without letting my slight confusion show, Edamoto-san was looking straight at me.

Concerning 食い違いなど気にも留めない: now the sentence is nonsensical. Haru doesn’t let Sayaka’s confusion show?
Haru does not pay attention to the discrepancy between Sayaka’s words and actions.

Edamoto-san looks straight at me, paying no attention to my slight discrepancy.

page 102 (Japanese)

I didn’t think I needed to truthfully answer that sort of question.

Loss of details: 普段なら有耶無耶にしただろう。 is gone.

I didn’t think I needed to frankly answer these kinds of questions.
Normally, I would have kept it vague.

page 104 (Japanese)

“I don’t have a girlfriend right now, though.”
“Me neither. We match!” Edamoto-san agreed jokingly.

Wrong speakers. Haru speaks, then Sayaka, then Haru again.
Also, Haru uses わたし. 私 is used by Sayaka.

“I don’t have a girlfriend right now, though.”
“Same as me, then.”
Right? Edamoto-san playfully agrees.

page 110 (Japanese)

My barely-functioning brain tried its hardest to communicate what I knew right now, though my words were pretty clumsy.

Loss of details: 飾る余裕もなく、珍しいくらいに素直な感情が綴られる。 is gone.

My barely-functioning brain tried its best to properly convey what I knew right now.
Without the capacity to dress things up, my feelings were spelled out in a way that was unusually honest.
My words were a little clumsy, though.

page 111 (Japanese)

I’d thought I never wanted to see Senpai again, but she was still living in my heart and my mind.

Loss of details: 意思ある限り、思い出は不滅だった。 is gone.

The upperclassman who I never wanted to see again is still living in my mind.
Memories are immortal as long as the will exists.

page 112 (Japanese)

How could a little bit of liquid be enough to entirely rewrite my personality?

Extraneous implication: now Sayaka seems disbelieving.

With just that much liquid mixed in me, it repaints who I am.

Next is the first half of chapter 3.

Bloom Into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka (3) (2.1)

This is a review of the English version of Bloom Into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka, licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment.

Another volume 3. Chapter 1 was previously covered here.
Chapter 2 has roughly twice the amount of nuance differences as chapter 1, so it’s divided into two entries.
This one is about the first half of chapter 2.

page 15-16 (Japanese)

≫I hurt all over… But it’s fun. I kind of feel like it’s a luxury that I have an opportunity to become someone other than myself.≪

>Actors sure are something. I don’t think I could ever do that—become someone else, I mean. Not unless something drastic happened.<

≫But you’ve been on stage, too, Sayaka.≪

>That was…just me. I felt like I was starring in the play as myself.<

≫If you could pull off the role like that, that’s impressive in its own way. I’d like to do something like that again someday.≪





Loss of details: the nuance of messaging is gone. Furthermore, this email format is inconsistent with all the other messages between Sayaka and Touko, in which the publisher kept the texting format.

≫I hurt all over…≪
≫but it’s fun≪
≫and it feels like a luxury≪
≫the opportunity to become something other than myself≪

>Actors sure are something<
>I don’t think I could ever do that<
>to become someone else<
>not unless something drastic happened<

≫But you’ve been on stage, too, Sayaka≪

>That was<
>just me<
>it was like I was starring in the play as myself<
>that’s how I see it<

≫If you pulled off the role like that, that’s impressive in its own way≪
≫I’d like to do something like that again someday≪

I was a second year, and she was a first year. I don’t say this as a point of pride, just to explain why, when our eyes met, she gave me a nod but still kept her distance.

Concerning 傲慢でもなんでもないのだけど: the parallel with the openings of the previous volumes is gone. Concerning 離れていったことは当然の流れというものかもしれなかった: now Haru seems to be watching Sayaka and her friend from a distance.
Sayaka begins each volume mentioning arrogance. Haru leaving leads to Sayaka’s friend suggesting to catch her next time.

Not to be arrogant or anything, but I was a second year and she was a first year.
So it might have been natural that when we met eyes at a distance, she gave me a nod and went on her way.

It was harder to guess everyone’s ages without uniforms to mark their grades, and as a first year, everyone around you looked older. You felt out of place no matter where you went on campus.

Loss of details: 慣れてしまえば、こういうものかと見渡す余裕もできる。 is gone.

It’s a little difficult to guess everyone’s ages in college, where there aren’t uniforms to mark their grades. As a first year, everyone around you looked older, and you felt out of place no matter where you went on campus.
Once you get used to it, you could afford to survey how things are.

page 17 (Japanese)

Spring was scorching, the air shifting to a faint ochre color. Though our table at the open café sat under the shade of a parasol, it was still hot. The shadows of the pedestrians flowing past us were lengthening.

Loss of details: そして彼女の名前を知る頃には, やや, and 梅雨時というのを忘れるような快晴を受けて are gone.

And by the time I learned her name, spring was getting sunburnt and shifting the air to a pale wheat color. Even though our table at the open café sat under the shade of a parasol, it was still a little hot. The shadows of the flowing pedestrians grew long under the cloudless sky that made one forget about the rainy season.

page 18-19 (Japanese)

“That’s too bad.”
“I give up. I’m going home.”

Loss of details: いつもこんな調子の友人なので、軽く流す。 is gone.

“That’s too bad.”
She’s always like this, so I treat it lightly.
“Okay, I’ll call it a day and go home.”

I rolled my eyes at this illogical attempt to justify herself.

Loss of details: 正当化なのだろうか? is gone.

Is she justified?

We left the protection of the parasol, the sun beating down upon our heads. The summer of my twentieth year awaited me under that intense sunlight. At times, my high school days felt like a far-off dream, while other times it was like they had just happened yesterday.

Loss of details: お茶を飲み終えて and 「……………………………………」 are gone. Concerning 空の彼方の出来事みたいに: the parallel with the title of volume 2 chapter 3 is gone. Loss of details: 大学二年生になっていた。 through がんばらないことを決めた人に応援されるというのも、なんとも妙なものだった。 are gone.

I finish my tea and leave the protection of the parasol with my friend.
Immediately, the pressing radiance came down on my bangs.
Summer and my twentieth year awaited me under the intense sunlight.
At times, my high school days felt as distant as the skies, while other times it was like they had happened just yesterday.
I was in my second year of college now.
“Well, do your best.”
It was rather strange to be cheered on by someone who had decided not to do their best.

I hadn’t found anything concrete in my first year. What about my second? What might I find?

Loss of details: 私はこの生活の中でなにを見つけるのだろう。 and と半ばの道を歩きながら目が動く are gone.

I wonder what I will find in this life.
I hadn’t found anything solid in my first year.
As for my second… My eyes roam, partway down the path.

page 20 (Japanese)

As I silently waited for her to reach me, the sun passed behind the clouds.

Concerning 落ち着く: now Haru seems to take time to reach Sayaka. Loss of details: 壁の日が途切れる is gone.
Haru takes time to set her things in order.

As I silently wait for her to settle down, the sun hides behind the clouds, interrupting its light on the walls.

Edamoto-san put her wallet away and came up next to me, and we resumed walking in the same direction. I watched the way she walked: not with a stoop but with a slight pitch forward.

Loss of details: 鞄に is gone. Concerning 動き出す: now Haru seems to have been walking in the same direction as Sayaka earlier. Loss of details: 横目で覗く is gone.
Haru was inside the co-op store earlier, not walking with Sayaka.

With her wallet stored in her bag, Edamoto-san stands next to me, and we start moving in the same direction.
I peek sideways at the way she walks: not with a stoop but with a slight pitch forward.

page 21-22 (Japanese)

When she faced forward, her ponytail and exposed ears gave her the sharp profile of a young boy, but when she turned toward you, her femininity was immediately apparent. It was both strange and novel to me to be around someone with such distinctly visual shifts in mood.

結んだ髪や露出した耳と共に真っ直ぐ前を向いていると、幼い少年めいた鋭くも荒い横顔を見せて、けれどこちらを向く時にはすぐ女の子の印象に移る。浮かぶ感情を隠しもしないからなのだろうか? そういうはっきりとした切り替わりを見せる相手は未知であり、新鮮でもある。これまでに付き合いのない性格と外見が、わっと押し寄せてくるのが枝元さんだった。
Loss of details: も荒い, 浮かぶ感情を隠しもしないからなのだろうか?, and これまでに付き合いのない性格と外見が、わっと押し寄せてくるのが枝元さんだった。 are gone.

When she faces forward, her ponytail and exposed ears give her a sharp but rough profile of a young boy, but when she turns toward me, her femininity is immediately apparent. Is it because she doesn’t hide her emotions at all? Someone who shows distinct changes like that is both strange and novel to me. The one who came surging with a personality and appearance that I had never interacted with before was Edamoto-san.

“You can call me Haru.”

Loss of details: ニコッとした。速足に付き合って動く背景とその穏やかさが釣り合っていない。 is gone.

She’s grinning. The background moves along at a quick pace, which doesn’t balance with its tranquility.

“It seems like you’re following me. Don’t you have somewhere else to be?”

Loss of details: 出てきてそのままずんずんと進んでいるけれど。 is gone.

She’s been speeding forward ever since she came out of the store, though.

I suspected that if I had walked in the opposite direction, she would have found a destination that way instead.

Concerning 歩きだしたらひっくり返るのだろう: now Sayaka seems to consider the idea in past tense. Loss of details: 彼女は、私がお気に入りのようだった。 through 理解するもの、感じるものはそれなりにあった。 are gone.
Sayaka considers enacting the idea (present tense).

I suspect that if I started walking in the opposite direction, her arm would be thrown back. She seemed to have taken a fancy to me.
It’s been a little over a month since I met this underclassman. There was a certain amount of things that I understood or sensed about her.

page 23 (Japanese)

Just as a creature adapted to aquatic life couldn’t come up onto land, leaving that familiar world behind was beyond me.
For some reason, I found myself thinking of a close friend of mine, who had left home quite naturally and started walking her own path.

Concerning 上がらない: “couldn’t” is not equivalent to “wouldn’t”. Loss of details: 「…………………………………………」 are gone. Extraneous implication: now Sayaka seems to not know why she has such thoughts.

Just as a creature adapted to aquatic life wouldn’t come up onto land, leaving would be so difficult for me.
I briefly think about a close friend of mine, who had left home quite naturally and started walking her own path.

Just like how I was currently walking with an underclassman, a year younger than me, whom I’d met by chance.

Loss of details: その後輩を一瞥する。 is gone.

I glance at her.

I felt some belated curiosity stir within me but got the sense this wasn’t a good time to bring it up.

なぜ泣いていたのだろう? と今更に少し興味を抱く。しかし外は明るく、彼女は明朗で、涙の話を持ち出そうとしてもすぐに蒸発してしまいそうな雰囲気だった。
Loss of details: 外は明るく、彼女は明朗で、 and すぐに蒸発してしまいそう are gone.

Why was she crying? Now I am a little curious. But it was bright outside, and she was cheerful, so any attempt to bring up the subject of her tears seemed to evaporate immediately.

page 24 (Japanese)

Edamoto-san snorted out a soundless laugh.

Concerning 中身なく: now the laugh seems silent.
The laugh is without any deeper meaning.

Edamoto-san lets out a laugh without substance.

page 25 (Japanese)

Edamoto-san shifted her weight restlessly and shot me a sly smile.
“Although if you were a bad girl, I would just invite you to hang out right now, Sayaka-senpai.”

Extraneous implication: now Haru seems wily.

Edamoto-san gives me a silly smile as she shifts her feet restlessly.
“If you were a bad girl, Sayaka-senpai, I would have invited you to hang out right now.”

page 27-28 (Japanese)

≫Oh, not at the one that’s far away, of course.≪
≫At my apartment.≪

>Well, obviously…<

≫But I thought you said calling it your “house” would be confusing?≪
≫Well, yeah, but…≪
≫I thought that calling it mi casa instead of my apartment≪
≫would be softer and wouldn’t put you on your guard.≪



Concerning 『アパートが家だとややこしいんじゃなかった?』: now Sayaka receives this message.
Sayaka sends this message.

≫Oh, not at the one that’s far away, of course≪
≫at my apartment≪

>That I can tell<
>but I thought you said calling it your “house” would be confusing?<

≫Well, yeah, but≪
≫I thought that calling it mi casa instead of my apartment≪
≫would be softer and wouldn’t put you on your guard≪

What did I need to be on my guard about if I was going for a quick visit to a underclassman’s house?

Improper grammar.

What is there to be on guard about if it’s just a quick visit to an underclassman’s place?

page 32 (Japanese)

These were all people whom I’m sure had lives not so different from my own college student experience.

Loss of details: ほとんど関わらない is gone.

These are all people whom I’m sure will have little to do with my life as a college student.

page 33 (Japanese)

I hurried over to Edamoto-san. When I got closer, it appeared that she really had run over, considering how sweaty her palms were.

Loss of details: 歩調を速めて is gone. Concerning 手ぶら: now Sayaka seems to first notice Haru’s sweaty palms.
Sayaka notices that Haru is sweating in general. The first specific sweaty area is Haru’s brow.

I quickened my pace and hurried over to Edamoto-san. When I got closer, it appeared that she really had run over, considering how she was empty-handed and sweating.

I suddenly recalled the relay practices for the athletic festival in high school.

This is inconsistent with how the publisher translates 体育祭 in the manga.

The time when I was practicing a relay for field day in high school unexpectedly comes to mind.

page 35-36 (Japanese)

Suddenly, I felt self-conscious about my overgrown hair that I had left uncut.
We passed by the bathroom and into a south-facing room with a bay window and good sun exposure.

Concerning 伸びっぱなし: now Sayaka’s hair seems unsightly. Concerning 流し: now the sink became the bathroom.
Sayaka keeps her hair trimmed but didn’t cut it shorter. 流し refers to the sink in the cooking area.

Suddenly, I felt a little self-conscious about my hair, which had grown longer as I had left it uncut.
We passed by the kitchen and into a south-facing room with a bay window, so it had good sun exposure.

page 40 (Japanese)

At the same time, I pictured a chicken energetically moving around inside a pen.

Loss of details: 今も、枝元さんの背中と小さく結んだ髪が動くのが廊下に見えている。 is gone.

She gives the impression of a chicken energetically moving around inside a pen. Even now, I can see her back and small ponytail moving in the hallway.

page 41 (Japanese)

“I go to the library…on occasion. But I mostly just read the newspapers.”

Concerning それなり: now Sayaka seems to go to the library infrequently.
Sayaka goes to the library an agreeable amount.

“I go to the library…somewhat often. But I mostly just read the newspapers.”

page 42 (Japanese)

“I wonder if the home improvement store carries tableware?”

Improper grammar.

“I wonder if the home improvement store carries tableware.”

page 44 (Japanese)

Drawn in by the scent that was stronger than Edamoto-san’s, I peered into the kitchen and found the source of the smell in a pot containing simmering chicken and eggs.

Concerning 手鍋: now the cooking vessel is a pot.
手鍋 are typically cooking vessels with a long handle.

Drawn by a scent other than Edamoto-san’s, I looked to the kitchen and found the source of the smell in a saucepan.

page 45 (Japanese)

In a frying pan next to the pot, there was something that seemed like a stir-fry of green onion and shiitake mushrooms.

Same change in nuance as the previous example.

In a frying pan next to the saucepan, there was something that seemed like a stir-fry of green onion and shiitake mushrooms.

Wondering how I had ended up with two pairs, I opened and closed the chopsticks as I gazed at them for a while.

Concerning どういうことだろう: now Sayaka seems to have forgotten about her trip to the home improvement store.
Sayaka wonders what having two pairs would entail.

Wondering what it would mean to have two pairs, I opened and closed the chopsticks as I gazed at them for a while.

Edamoto-san put down the oyakodon pot and the frying pan each on their own trivets.

Concerning 手鍋: now the cooking vessel is a pot.
手鍋 are typically cooking vessels with a long handle.

Edamoto-san places the oyakodon saucepan and the frying pan on their own trivets.

page 46 (Japanese)

Looking at the new bowls and the pot, she broke into a satisfied smile.

Concerning 手鍋: now Haru seems to ignore the frying pan.
手鍋 refers to both of the cooking vessels.

Looking at the new bowls and the pans, she smiles widely.

page 47 (Japanese)

After she coughed and cleared her throat, Edamoto-san withdrew, seeming relieved, and sat back down.

Concerning 安堵したように引っ込んで座り直す: now Haru seems to have left her seat in relief.
Haru was leaning forward and pulls back in relief.

After clearing her throat with a cough, Edamoto-san withdraws, seeming relieved, and sits back up.

Being ogled as I chewed on the shiitake made it hard to swallow.

Extraneous implication: “ogle” has the connotation of being lecherous.

Being stared at as I chew on the shiitake makes it hard to swallow.

page 48 (Japanese)

It was very different from her normal way of speaking and messy movements.

Concerning 言い方はなんだけど: now Sayaka seems to refer to Haru’s way of speaking.
Sayaka refers to her own usage of words.

It was very different from the way she normally moves, which, for a lack of better word, seems messy.

page 49 (Japanese)

Edamoto-san, who had finished eating before I knew it, looked at my bowl. “Oh yeah, look at that,” she remarked as she looked at my remaining food.

Concerning 覗く, ほんとだー, and 見て: now these became the same words.
It would be better to use repetition where it is intended, and use appropriately nuanced words otherwise.

Edamoto-san, who had finished eating before I knew it, peeks at my bowl. “You’re right,” she murmurs as she looks at my remaining food.

Her eyes flicked around between me, the pot, outside, and back to me.

Concerning 鍋: now Haru seems to ignore the frying pan.
鍋 refers to both of the cooking vessels.

Her eyes flicked around between me, the pans, outside, and back to me.

page 50 (Japanese)

And, most of all, it was my first time encountering a underclassman like the one in front of my eyes.

Improper grammar.

And, most of all, it was my first time encountering an underclassman like the one in front of my eyes.

page 52 (Japanese)

When I was a child, I could never bring myself to take action until I found a good reason.

Loss of details: だから、歩幅なんて合うはずがない。 is gone.

So it was highly unlikely that our strides would match.

page 53 (Japanese)

But again, it wasn’t as though there were no walls between us.

Loss of details: すべてを明かすほど is gone. This is an intended repetition of an earlier sentence.

But again, there wasn’t such a lack of walls between us that I felt obliged to reveal everything.

Next is the latter half of chapter 2.

Bloom Into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka (3) (1)

This is a review of the English version of Bloom Into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka, licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment.

Specifically, volume 3. Volume 2 was previously covered in four parts, with the latest one here.
As with the previous volume, more thinking is required on the reader’s part. However, I did the thinking up to the free preview here.
Let’s begin the investigation on nuances lost or changed in chapter 1.


(image source: Twitter)
Why is Sayaka not on the spine? The light novel series is about her, and each front cover (which is the basis for the spine’s image) depicts the titular character progressively turning her head and showing a happier expression with each volume. In addition, she is on the spine of the original’s obi.
(image source: Mercari)

page 9-10 (Japanese)

“I process things quickly,” she said.
The face that stared back at me wore a slightly different expression from the pleasant smile I’d grown accustomed to seeing. Something glossy, like droplets of water, inched down her obviously blushing cheeks.
“Process?” I asked, holding back the slight bewilderment that crept over me.
“That’s right. I guess you could say I’m practical or that I don’t lose sleep over things I can’t control.”
A shadow came over her face again. It was as though the sun had set, and something dark was reaching out from afar.
“I’m never angry or sad for long. I can’t do it, even if I try. It hurts when your feelings don’t mesh with someone else’s and things don’t go over well. It hurts, a lot. But it’s like my heart dries up fast. It’s the same for anger—I can’t be angry at a person for more than thirty minutes.”
I supposed thirty minutes really wasn’t very long. Personally, I could stay angry for a whole year, or even two.

Concerning 感情の回転率がいい: now emotions are generalized into things. Concerning 回転率?: now Sayaka seems bewildered by “process”. Loss of details: 日々の中、あまり縁のないその言葉を彼女が語る。 is gone. Concerning さっぱりしてるとか割り切りがいいとか、そんな風に言うのかも: now Haru seems to describe her personality. Loss of details: お互いの声が近い。 is gone. Concerning 誰かと想いがすれ違って上手くいかなくて、そりゃあ悲しい。すっごく悲しい。: now Haru seems to talk people’s feelings, and how it hurts. Loss of details: でも、すぐにそれが辛くなくなっていく。, 彼女の改まった自己紹介のようなものが、私に降る。, and 今となってはその憤りも風化するように、どこかへ散ってしまったけれど。 are gone.
Haru talks about her emotions. Sayaka is bewildered by the uncommon term “turnover”. Haru describes her emotions. Haru talks about her sadness in her self-introduction.

“My emotions have a high turnover,” she said.
The face that stares back at me has a slightly different expression from the pleasant smile I’ve grown accustomed to seeing.
A luster like water droplets inches along her obviously blushing cheeks.
I ask, holding back the faint bewilderment that comes over me.
She speaks of a term that I have little connection with in my daily life.
“Right. To put it another way, they clear easily or end cleanly, or something along those lines.”
Her voice is close to mine. Then, her face gradually takes on a shadow again.
Like how, when the sun sets, something dark extends from afar.
“I don’t stay angry or sad for long. Or rather, I can’t. I get real sad when my feelings don’t meet with someone’s and things don’t work out. Like, really sad. But it soon becomes less and less painful. My heart dries up fast, I bet. It’s the same for anger—I can’t be angry at a person for more than thirty minutes.”
Something like her formal self-introduction falls upon me. Thirty minutes may indeed be short.
Personally, I could stay angry for a year or two.
Now, though, that resentment has dissipated as though faded with time.

This close, it was difficult to avoid her gaze.

Loss of details: 言い逃れ is gone.

It was difficult to speak evasively or avoid her gaze at this distance.

page 11 (Japanese)

That vocabulary was enough to make me worry about her grades. Maybe this was proof I shouldn’t be getting involved with an underclassman?
“If I had to say what I like best about you, uh, it’d be your face,” she continued. “Your face is just the best.” Suddenly bashful, she closed her eyes, as though trying to conceal how her nose was turning red.
“Thanks…” I had to admit her fidgeting was adorable. “I can understand that.”
Appearances may not be everything, but they’re important. I considered it more sincere to compliment a person’s appearance when you didn’t know them very well, rather than pretend to know their inner thoughts.

Concerning そこにあなたと先輩が入り混じるのは不安定の証拠だろうか。: now the subject is completely different. Loss of details: 急に分かりやすく、手放しに褒められてしまう。 is gone. Concerning 言っていて彼女も羞恥が高まってきたのか: now Sayaka seems to only note Haru’s bashfulness. Loss of details: とても and ずっと are gone.
Sayaka notes how Haru addressed her with あなた instead of 先輩. Sayaka indirectly states that she is also embarrassed from the compliment.

That vocabulary made me worry for her exams. Maybe the mixed way she addressed me was evidence of her instability?
“If I had to say what I like best about you, um, it’d be your face. Your face is just the best.”
“…Thank you.”
She suddenly complimented me openly and clearly. Perhaps she grew bashful, too, closing her eyes as though it would conceal her reddened nose. I had to admit her fidgeting was adorable.
“I can understand that.”
Appearances are a very important evaluation factor. I think it’s much more sincere than talking about a person’s inner qualities before you know them deeply.

And does that include when you love someone?

Loss of details: 私の指摘を、彼女が静かに肯定する。 is gone.

She quietly affirms what I pointed out.

page 12 (Japanese)

If we were stars, we would have drawn too close—close enough that both of us might be destroyed.

Loss of details: いつもと違う距離の中、私は彼女を見る。 is gone.

I look at her from a distance that is unusual to me.

Next is the first half of chapter 2.


Reminders for myself.

weekly solution preparation

ferrous sulfate solution for YPS
5 g ferrous sulfate in volumetric flask
80 mL DI water
2 mL sulfuric acid
dilute to volume

solar brine tests

1 mL buffer
indicator liquid
titrate from purple to blue

10 mL sodium hydroxide
indicator powder
titrate from purple to blue

silver chloride indicator
titrate from yellow to pink

indicator scoop
5 minute timer

run blank: 0.4 ppm reading
5 drops
indicator scoop
5 minute timer

weekly purity tests

200 g in 800 mL
weigh tray with 1 and 2 filters
pour filtrate into volumetric flasks
dilute to 1000 mL
rinse filter with 1000 mL twice
dry in oven 1 hr
cool in dessicator 30 min
weigh dried filters

40 g evenly on tray

Ca and Mg
200 mL aliquot
10 pH buffer
indicator liquid
titrate from purple to green

Ca only
200 mL aliquot
8 pH buffer
indicator powder
titrate from purple to blue

25 mL aliquot
dilute to 100 mL
indicator scoop
5 minute timer

Bloom Into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka (2) (3)

This is a review of the English version of Bloom Into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka, licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment.

Another volume 2. The latter half of chapter 2 was previously covered here.
This one is about chapter 3 and miscellaneous mistakes.

page 191 (Japanese)

The scenery that accompanied it—the sunlight streaming through the leaves and the mild fragrance from the trees—reminded me of the path to the student council room.

Concerning 程良い: now the scent is lessened.
The fragrance of trees is decently strong.


page 193 (Japanese)

I apologized instinctively, though that wasn’t really what the situation called for.

Wrong subject.
The girl apologizes to Sayaka.

She apologized to me. It wasn’t that serious of a matter though.

The road to the building I needed diverged onto many other paths, stairs, and gates.

Loss of details: 講義棟の間の is gone.

I take a path between the lecture buildings, which has many branches that lead to stairs and other gates.

page 194 (Japanese)

Her vibrant hair flowed with her nervous movements, and there was something lively and distinct about the way she moved her limbs, her petite body visibly overflowing with energy.

Loss of details: つまり、犬っぽいという第一印象は適切だったと思う。 and これまでの友人たちとは大分趣の違う子のようだ。 are gone.

Her vibrant hair flows with her movements, and the distinct way she moves her limbs conveys her liveliness, her petite body overflowing with energy. In other words, I think my initial impression of her as dog-like was appropriate.
She seems to be very different from the friends I’ve made thus far.

page 196 (Japanese)

I decided to respond in a roundabout way to this new information. The girl’s mouth hung half open, as if she was equally surprised at herself.

Concerning つい: now Sayaka seems to have planned her response. Also, wrong object.
Sayaka unintentionally blurted out her question. The girl is surprised by the information in that question.

I couldn’t help responding to this unexpected information. The girl’s mouth hangs half open, showing her own surprise.

page 198 (Japanese)

Our eyes were at slightly different heights when we faced each other.

Extraneous implication: now Sayaka and the girl seem to have less height difference.

When we faced each other, there was a decent difference in the level of our eyes.

page 202 (Japanese)

Hello, I’m Hitoma Iruma.

Loss of details: 今年最初……は同時発売しているからどっちがそうであるかは分からないのですが、じゃあ一緒でいいか、いいなみたいな感じでございます。ついでに新元号になってから最初の本となりました。 is gone.
He is referring to Adachi and Shimamura volume 8.

My first release of the year…comes out at the same time as my other work, so I’m not sure which one it is. Then let’s say it’s both, which has a nice feeling. Incidentally, this is my first book since the new era name. Hello, I’m Hitoma Iruma.

The following set is not exactly an error, but I want to bring attention to the parallels.

page 11 (Japanese)

The student standing at Touko’s side was silhouetted against a light so blinding that I couldn’t see her face at first.


page 187 (Japanese)

A bright light seemed to blur the face of the schoolgirl standing next to Touko so that I couldn’t make it out.


Notice how similar the original lines are; the only differences are その and 眩い/滲むような.

In addition, there is inconsistent translation for the same lines of text.

at the end of chapter 1

When I became a high school student, I resolved not to make the same mistakes again. As long as I knew why I had gone wrong before, I thought that I could prevent it from happening again.
I thought I already knew everything there was about loving someone.

But I only truly learned what that meant after I met her.

at the end of chapter 2

I had been determined I wouldn’t fail again after becoming a high school student.
I had thought that as long as I knew why I had failed, I wouldn’t fail again the next time.
I thought that I understood everything about what it meant to love someone.

But I actually learned what that meant after I met her.

page 40 and 187 (Japanese)


It is a shame how the publisher seems to have an aversion to keeping the author’s intentional repetition.

When I became a high school student, I had resolved not to fail again.
I thought that as long as I knew why I had failed before, I could prevent it from happening the next time.
I felt like I understood everything about what it meant to come to love someone.

It wasn’t until I met “her” that I truly learned what it meant.

front cover (digital edition)

Iruma Hitoma

This is inconsistent with the color gallery, copyright page, and title page, which credits story to Hitoma Iruma.

It is also inconsistent with volume 1.

The front cover of the physical edition does not have this inconsistency.
(image source: Reddit)

Once again, with over 150 changes in this volume, I am not eager to review the next one.

Bloom Into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka (2) (2.2)

This is a review of the English version of Bloom Into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka, licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment.

Another volume 2. The first half of chapter 2 was previously covered here.
Chapter 2 has roughly twice the amount of nuance differences as chapter 1, so it’s divided into two entries.
This one is about the latter half of chapter 2.

page 112-113 (Japanese)

“Goodness. I was mostly joking.”

Concerning 半分: now Sayaka seems less serious.

“I was only half-joking.”

I suppose it was like how bamboo shoots appear right after a rain.

Loss of details: 燈子はどれだけ魅力的に見えるのだろう。語れるけど、共有したくはない。 is gone.

It’s like how bamboo shoots appear right after a rain.
How much charm does Touko have? I could speak about it, but I don’t want to share.

page 116-117 (Japanese)

My footsteps were light as I headed to the student council room to wait for Touko.
I could hear voices behind the trees on my way over, like small breaths that seemed to lightly graze the surface of my ear. It was strange that I could hear them from such a far distance.

Loss of details: と。 and のに、聞こえてしまう are gone.

My footsteps are light as I head to the student council room to wait for Touko.
But then…
On my way over, I hear voices from deep in the woods. Small breaths, that lightly graze the surface of my ears.
It is strange that they are audible at this distance, but I can hear them.

page 119 (Japanese)

Touko was grinning with satisfaction at having caught up to me.

Loss of details: 追い抜いた喜びに is gone.

Touko smiles, filled with joy at having caught up to and overtaken me.

page 120-121 (Japanese)

“I see. It was the same place where Serizawa and Ogaki-kun were, so…were you hiding in the shadows?”

This is inconsistent with how the publisher translates 大垣 in the manga.


“I wonder if there will be a next time?”

Improper grammar.

“Will there be a next time?”

page 123 (Japanese)

Naturally, I would be the one who got cut down.

Loss of details: なんとなく is gone.

Somehow, I knew I would be the one who got cut down.

page 125 (Japanese)

Sure enough, president Kuze wasn’t in the student council room.
“Will the president be in today?”
“Doubt it,” our black-haired upperclassman snorted. He seemed to have long since given up on the president ever showing up to meetings.

This is inconsistent with how the publisher translates 久瀬会長, which is with an uppercase “P”. Also, wrong gender.
The black-haired upperclassman is a girl.

Sure enough, President Kuze wasn’t in the student council room.
“Will the president be coming today?”
“He can’t come today either.”
Our black-haired upperclassman jokingly replied. She seems to have long since given up on the president’s attendance.

page 126-127 (Japanese)

“Yeah, they’re officers in the student council,” he introduced us to the other members as he approached the entrance of the dojo.

Loss of details: 他の部員たちの注目を丸ごと担ぐように持ってきた is gone.

As he came over to the entrance of the dojo, he seemed to bring the attention of all the other members with him. “Ah, they’re officers in the student council,” he introduced us.

His hair was a rumpled mess from being tucked under the towel-like wrapping.

Loss of details: 長時間 and か are gone.

His hair was a rumpled mess, probably from being tucked under the towel-like wrapping for so long.

“Us, do a play? Not gonna happen.”

「俺たちで? 無理じゃね」
Loss of details: 久瀬先輩が深く考えることなく否定する。 is gone.

“Us, do a play? Not gonna happen.”
Kuze-senpai rejected it out of hand.

page 128-129 (Japanese)

I don’t think that the things Kuze-senpai was saying were wrong, though.

Wrong way of referring to Kuze.
Sayaka uses Kuze’s title of student council president.

President Kuze

page 130-131 (Japanese)

Of course, now that I was actually working with her, I knew she could hit walls like this sometimes.

Loss of details: それは彼女の実情が見えていないだけだ。 is gone.

Of course, that was just because I couldn’t see her in actual situations.
Now that I’m working with her, I know she can hit walls like this sometimes.

I didn’t know what was behind Touko’s smile as she murmured those words. At some point, I hoped that she would share it with me. I wanted to be someone who Touko would unquestionably present her desires to. But because she couldn’t do that now, all I could do was offer her my own words.

Wrong subjects.
Sayaka thinks about what she wants herself to do throughout this passage.

My current self cannot tell what is behind Touko’s smile as she murmurs those words.
It would be nice if I were able to know someday.
I want to be someone who can naturally give Touko what she desires.
But since I’m not capable of that now, I can only offer her these words.

It wasn’t as though we could just sit on our laurels, but still, some things could only be solved by the passage of time. Until I came to this school, my thoughts were always negative, trapped in the past. But just one glimpse of Touko, just being by her side…was enough to change me completely.

Extraneous implication: now Sayaka and Touko seem to have already achieved something. Concerning 私は色々と決意をしていた and 振り切ってしまうことができた: now Sayaka seems to have had negative thoughts, which turned completely positive.
Sayaka had negative-seeming resolutions, which stopped mattering. Reread volume 1 and the manga: Sayaka had decided to forget about love, to convince herself that loving girls was “just a phase”.

It wasn’t as though we were free to do nothing, but some things could only be solved by the passage of time.
Before I came to this high school, I had a lot of resolutions.
They all seemed to be negative.
But with just one look at Touko and being by her side…
I was able to shake them off so easily.

And perhaps my own wish would come true…not in a year, but on a more distant day.

Wrong subject.
Sayaka hopes that she can stay close to Touko for years to come.

If possible… It won’t be just for one year, but to a more distant day.

page 132 (Japanese)

I was incredibly comforted to have found someone who would walk ahead of me.

Loss of details: やるべきことが見えてくると、安堵する。 is gone.

Finding someone who would walk ahead of me has made things much easier.
I feel relief when I can see what I need to do.

page 134 (Japanese)

She covered her face in despair and then glanced at me through her fingers.

Extraneous implication: now Touko seems dramatic.
Touko usually hides her struggles.

She glances at me, letting her distress show.

page 136 (Japanese)

I wasn’t just saying it, either—I really did see her that way.

Loss of details: 燈子は上を見ているように思えなかった。 through 危ういんじゃないだろうか、と時々思う。 are gone.

I’m not saying it with a partial eye—I really do see her that way. Touko didn’t seem to be looking at something above her.
She’s walking straight ahead, yet it’s as if she were heading elsewhere.
Isn’t it dangerous? I would wonder at times.

page 137 (Japanese)

Touko was betting everything on the success of the play.

Extraneous implication: now Touko seems to have made some wager.

Touko is aiming for the success of the play.

page 138 (Japanese)

Sitting in the corner, one of the girls from the literature club muttered to another as though she had just made the realization. I looked over my shoulder.

Wrong object.
The girl thinks out loud.

to herself

page 142 (Japanese)

For a moment, I was so shocked that I couldn’t even hear anything else.

Concerning 見えなくなる: now Sayaka seems unable to hear. If the rest of the literature club members are silently reading, what is there to hear?
Throughout the light novels, Sayaka’s vision is affected when she experiences intense emotions.

For a moment, I was so shocked that all I could see was the movement of her lips.

page 144 (Japanese)

“Well…it saved me time not having to introduce myself, I suppose.”

Loss of details: とにかく私の名前を知っていたのは、噂話の関係らしい。 is gone.

“…Well, it saved me time not having to introduce myself, I suppose.”
So it seems she knew my name because of gossip.

page 148 (Japanese)

In that moment, simply looking at Touko no longer satisfied me.
Now that I knew what I knew, my heart was muddled with confusion and doubt.

Extraneous implication: now Sayaka seems to have suddenly stopped being charmed by Touko as she watched her.

Right now, simply looking at Touko wasn’t something that would satisfy me.
Because I would feel a mixture of confusion and doubt.

page 150 (Japanese)

If that happened, I wondered if she would still be there.

Loss of details: 逃げるようにそんなことを思い返して、でもいつまでもそうしてはいられなくて。 is gone.

If that happened, would she still be there?
I’m thinking back on it to run from the present, but I can’t stay like that forever.

The contents could be time-sensitive, so I stealthily took out the letter before class started and opened the envelope.

Wrong time.
Sayaka reads the letter while class is in session.


In that case, an antiquated letter was a reasonable choice.

Extraneous implication: now Sayaka seems to have thought that the old ways were unreasonable.

And antiquated methods are not necessarily inappropriate.

page 152-153 (Japanese)

Yes, the Nanami Touko I saw during the day was actually just surface-deep, I thought as I watched her go, rooting me in my seat for a while.

Concerning 日頃: now Touko seems to have more depth when it is night.
Sayaka describes the Touko she sees on a regular basis.

Yes, the Nanami Touko I see day-to-day is really just surface-deep… I keep thinking about it as I watch her go, which roots me in my seat.

Then he straightened his back and knees and put his hand on his hip, but his torso was still decidedly twisted.

Extraneous implication: now Sayaka seems certain about the boy’s torso having a strained shape.

After a little while, he straightened his back and knees and put his hand on his hip, but his torso still seemed to bend droopingly.

page 157 (Japanese)

The way you are now is everything…?
Left alone, I felt exposed, the wind brushing against my fingertips.

Concerning 今が好き: now Sayaka seems to repeat a different part of the boy’s answer. Concerning 隙間を感じて: now Sayaka seems to feel vulnerable when she is by herself.
Sayaka repeats the last part of the boy’s answer, and feels the hint of a breakthrough as she ponders by herself.

I like you now, huh…
Left alone, I feel the opening as the wind hits my fingertips.

page 158 (Japanese)

“Huh…? To my house?” I replied.

Loss of details: the different sets of quotation marks are gone.
Sayaka expresses her surprise out loud, then asks for clarification in text.

“To my house?” I texted.

My answer was firm as a rock.

Loss of details: 握りしめた is gone.

My answer was firm, as if I had gripped a stone.

page 162 (Japanese)

As I watched her beckoning hopefully at the cat, I lost myself in my thoughts.

Loss of details: 気怠さに似たものに包まれて is gone.

As I watch her beckoning with a “Come here,” something akin to listlessness envelops me and I lose myself in my thoughts.

A calm atmosphere enveloped the room between us, as though a passing cloud had dispersed to let in the spring sunlight once again.

This is inconsistent in terms of the timeline. It is currently summer, which is why Sayaka likens the balmy air to spring returning.

A balmy air slowly circulates between us.
It’s as though the spring sunlight that had passed on has come back.

page 164 (Japanese)

It was true: I made sure to retain control over what others could see of me from the outside. I’m sure Touko was doing the same. Perhaps Touko felt a sense of affinity because she saw herself in me.

Concerning 維持する: now Sayaka seems concerned with control.
Sayaka is diligent in keeping up her appearance.

The act of maintaining what could be seen on the outside.
I suppose that’s what Touko is doing, too.
Perhaps she sees something like herself in me and feels a sense of affinity.

page 166-167 (Japanese)

As I took a deep breath of the warm air, the back of my chest filled with lukewarm heat.

Concerning 胸の奥: “the back of one’s chest” is less common than “the depths of one’s chest”.

As I took a deep breath, the depths of my chest filled with the lukewarm heat of the atmosphere.

“Anyway, I turned that person down with the same reason as usual, that I can’t fall in love with anyone.”
“And then he started saying all this stuff. Like that even if I didn’t like him now, if we spent time together and got to know each other, I might end up liking him back…but I don’t ever see that happening.”
Touko’s casual denial was like a blade that sliced the words from my lips.
“But then I thought, oh, maybe that’s how it is for normal people.”

Concerning 好きにならない: now Touko seems unable to fall in love. Loss of details: それを聞いて is gone. Concerning 普通: now Touko seems to say she isn’t a normal person.
Touko is unwilling to come to love. She wonders if coming to love someone through getting to know them is normal.

“Anyway, I turned that person down with the same reason as usual, that I won’t come to love anyone.”
“And then that boy started saying all this stuff. Like that even if I didn’t love him now, if we spent time together and got to know each other, I might come to love him back. …When I heard that, I thought it was unlikely to ever happen.”
Touko’s casual denial was like a blade that rent my lips from corner to corner.
“Ah, but then I wondered if that’s normally what happens.”

page 168 (Japanese)

But…I suppose her denying it would be the best-case scenario.

Loss of details: まだ is gone.

…No. Her denying it would still be fine.

page 171 (Japanese)

“Basketball takoyaki.”

This is inconsistent with how the publisher translates バスケ焼き in the manga.

“Fried basketballs.”

page 173 (Japanese)

“It’s a café organized by the English club where you can eat cookies shaped like the ABCs.”

This is inconsistent with how the publisher translates 英会話クラブ, which is “English conversation club”.

English conversation club

page 179 (Japanese)

Being raised in the same environment and by the same parents, they had to end up sharing a lot in common.

Extraneous implication: now Sayaka seems certain about how Mio and Touko were raised.

If they were raised by the same parents in a similar environment, they would end up sharing a lot in common.

So I didn’t believe it was possible for someone to replace another person, no matter how much of themselves they changed or chipped away.

Concerning 削って整えて: now chipping away seems different from changing.
Shaving down is removal and sprucing up is addition.

shaved down or spruced up

page 180-181 (Japanese)

You can’t be anyone but yourself, no matter how much you might change over the course of your life.

Extraneous implication: now Sayaka seems to address some “you” about change.

When a person is born, they have only their self to live life with.

Endless ideas and words filled my brain.

Loss of details: 球体を作り上げて is gone.

The multitude of ideas and words form a sphere that envelops my mind.

I wanted to tell her what I really felt.

Loss of details: 燈子の心の奥底と繫がりたい is gone.

I want to expose my true feelings and get through to the depths of her heart.

But I caged those thoughts.

Loss of details: 全部 is gone.
Also, this line is probably a reference to the manga volume 2 episode 10 title, 言葉は閉じ込めて, which the publisher translated as Lock Away My Words.

But I locked up all those thoughts.

Even if I saw her weaknesses, her ugliness, her cowardice, her inferiority complex, her jealousy, her trauma, her real self, her public face, her hatred, her timidity, self-denial, her biases, her disposition, her hostility, her spitefulness, and all the many other dark things hidden inside her, I was certain now that I would be able to say I loved her even more.

Loss of details: 嫌悪 is gone.
The list pairs words: weakness and dirtiness, baseness and inferiority complex, jealousy and trauma, true feelings and public face, disgust and hatred, servility and self-denial, predilections and proclivities, hostility and spitefulness.

Even if I were to see all of her weakness, dirtiness, baseness, inferiority complex, jealousy, trauma, true feelings, public face, disgust, hatred, servility, self-denial, predilections, proclivities, hostility, spitefulness, and the many other dark things, I am confident that I would be able to say I love her even more.

page 182-183 (Japanese)

I will never forget that choice.

Loss of details: その時、その道を is gone.

I will never forget that I chose that path back then.

I was in class three. Touko was in class one.

Loss of details: 間に薄い線が引かれているように錯覚する。 is gone.

I am in class 3, and Touko is in class 1.
It feels as though a thin line had been drawn between us.

page 185 (Japanese)

For the last two years, all I had done was follow Touko. But somewhere along the way, we stopped being by each other’s sides and even grew slightly further apart.

Loss of details: 並んでいよう is gone.

For the last two years, all I had done was try to catch up to her, to walk by her side.
But in the end, we were no longer next to each other and even grew slightly further apart.

When she met Koito-san, Touko found herself at a crossroads. She finally found the ability to accept someone whose road intersected with hers. As soon as that happened, I lost my chance to get closer to her on my parallel path.

Concerning 立つことができた and 交わろうとする: now Touko and others seem to have lost their intent. Also, how does one get closer on a parallel path?
Touko used to not have the capacity to face others who wanted their paths to meet.

By meeting Koito-san, Touko was able to face intersections.
She became able to accept others who were trying to cross their path with hers.
My time to stay close to her on a parallel path was lost at that moment.

Next is chapter 3 and miscellaneous mistakes.

Bloom Into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka (2) (2.1)

This is a review of the English version of Bloom Into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka, licensed by Seven Seas Entertainment.

Another volume 2. Chapter 1 was previously covered here.
Chapter 2 has roughly twice the amount of nuance differences as chapter 1, so it’s divided into two entries.
This one is about the first half of chapter 2.

page 43 (Japanese)

Her beauty set my mind whirling around. She was perfect to me, and I found myself wanting to stare at her endlessly, just like I was now.

Loss of details: 取り分け and かもしれない are gone.

Especially with her appearance—she is so well-groomed that it sets my mind swirling. She might be my ideal type. So when I let my thoughts wander, I end up wanting to stare at her endlessly, just like I am now.

It was like the bright sunlight of spring was bathing my heart, warm and fragrant.

Loss of details: そんな錯覚を起こすほどに、心は前を向いていた。 is gone.

There was so much positivity in my heart that it could feel the spring sunshine, warm and fragrant.

page 44 (Japanese)

I got my things together a little more quickly than usual, and we left the classroom together.

Loss of details: lines 七海燈子は生徒会志望で、私もそれに誘われていたのだった。 through 用意が済んでから、 are gone.

I got my things together a little hastily.
Nanami Touko wanted to join the student council, and I had been invited to do so, too.
The reason why she invited me seemed to be because I looked serious.
After getting ready, we left the classroom together.

page 46 (Japanese)

And it didn’t make sense for anyone to praise me for it, either.

Loss of details: そういうこだわりみたいなものが、気持ちに陰りを与えるのだと思う。 is gone.

It doesn’t make sense for anyone to praise me for it, either. I think that’s what casts a cloud over my feelings.

This time, it was my turn to exclaim in wonder at her.

Extraneous implication: now Sayaka seems to make a loud noise.

This time, it was my turn to hum thoughtfully.

page 50 (Japanese)

Kuze-senpai admitted. Laughing, the black-haired upperclassman stood up as Kuze continued to protest.

Why were the honorifics for Kuze-senpai dropped right after using them?

When Kuze-senpai weakly agreed, the black-haired upperclassman laughed and left her seat.

“I’m sorry, we shouldn’t be having a upperclassman serve us like this.”

Improper grammar.

an upperclassman

page 52 (Japanese)

One of the upperclassmen cut him off briskly, while the other male upperclassman watched their exchange in silence.

Concerning 先輩: now Sayaka seems unable to keep track of her upperclassmen.
There are only three upperclassmen in the student council: Kuze-senpai (later known as President Kuze), Senpai (the girl with short black hair, the one who does any work), and the other male upperclassman (the light-haired boy who does not have any lines). It is established in the manga that Sayaka calls the female upperclassman Senpai.

Senpai brushed him off. The other male upperclassman watched their exchange in silence.

It was Nanami Touko who asked me that, not one of the upperclassman.

Same change in nuance as the previous example. Also, improper grammar.

The question didn’t come from Senpai but from Nanami Touko, who sat next to me.

Nanami held the coffee creamers without opening them as she looked around the student council room.

Wrong way of referring to Touko.
Sayaka uses Touko’s full name in her thoughts.

Nanami Touko

page 54 (Japanese)

But now that I had started walking home instead, it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Maybe it wasn’t really that much of a lie, after all.

Loss of details: 電話で時刻を確かめてから、真っ暗になった画面を見つめる。 and あれから、あの人が電話をかけてくることはない。正直、ほっとしていた。 are gone.

But now that I had started walking home instead, it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Maybe it wasn’t really that much of a lie, after all.
After checking the time on my phone, I stared at its darkened screen.
That person hadn’t called me since then. To be honest, I was relieved.

page 57 (Japanese)

“Whoa, your leftovers from yesterday look so pretty packed in there.”

Wrong subject.
Manaka comments on her own lunch.

“Wow, yesterday’s leftovers are packed so tidily.”

Igarashi-san was often exasperated with Yoshida-san for this reason, but they were generally always together during lunch breaks.

Loss of details: 限らず is gone.

Igarashi-san is often exasperated with Yoshida-san for this reason. But they are generally always together, not just during lunch breaks.

page 58-59 (Japanese)

I’d never had friends with a personality like hers before, so when Yoshida-san spoke, I sometimes didn’t know how to react.
Igarashi-san didn’t bother engaging with her response.

Loss of details: でも多分、言ってみただけで意味はないのだろう。 is gone.

I’ve never had friends with a personality like hers before, so when Yoshida-san speaks, I sometimes don’t know how to react.
But maybe it would be meaningless to say something. Igarashi-san doesn’t bother engaging with her response, either.

For a moment, I thought of the face of my Senpai from my junior high school days.

Wrong way of referring to Senpai.
Sayaka using “my Senpai” is completely out of character.

For a moment, the face of Senpai from my junior high school days came to mind.

page 63 (Japanese)

When lunch ended, I tried to naturally call out to Nanami Touko as she stood up.

Concerning 昼休みが終わる頃: now lunch seems to be over, even though Manaka continues to eat.
Lunch break is nearing its end.

Around the end of lunch break, I tried to casually call out to Nanami Touko as she stood up.

page 67 (Japanese)

Though I had been so attracted to her that I forgot to consider that, Nanami Touko and I were both girls.

Extraneous implication: now Sayaka seems to have forgotten to consider something.

Though I’ve been so attracted to her appearance that I abandoned many of my worries, Nanami Touko and I are both girls.

page 68-69 (Japanese)

Manaka admitted.

Loss of details: あっさり is gone.

Manaka easily accepted it.

Nanami Touko showed no trace of enthusiasm about the exams.

Loss of details: いつも通りの放課後を選ぶ is gone.

Nanami Touko shows no trace of fervor about the exam, choosing to go about her day as usual.

page 70-71 (Japanese)

It felt strange to receive such ready praise from Nanami Touko.

Loss of details: どこがと聞き返しそうになった is gone.

Nanami Touko praised me breezily. What is? I nearly asked.

I had been negligent in my studies during the latter half of my third year in junior high, so this was a good opportunity to turn things around.

Loss of details: あの時に見失ったものを取り返すように、丁寧に拾いあげていく。 and 本棚の隅を一瞥して、すぐにまた机に向き合う。 are gone.

I had been negligent in my studies during the latter half of my third year in junior high, so this was a good opportunity to turn things around.
I will thoroughly pick up my knowledge to recover I had lost back then.
I glance at the corner of my bookshelf and immediately face the desk again.

I couldn’t tell whether the words that slipped from my mouth were expressing dissatisfaction or simply stating the truth before my eyes. I kept on looking at the names from within the hustle and bustle of the crowd.

Loss of details: 遙か高い山の頂を見上げるように and そのあたりを摑み取れないまま are gone.

Were the words that slipped from my mouth expressing dissatisfaction? Or were they simply stating the facts before my eyes, as if I were looking up at the summit of a high mountain? Unable to figure it out, I continue to stare at the names from within the hustle and bustle of the crowd.

page 72 (Japanese)

“Just kidding. No, the truth is that I studied plenty, of course.”

Loss of details: だったらいいんだけど is gone.

“Just kidding. I wish that were the case, but yeah, of course I studied plenty.”

page 73-74 (Japanese)

Especially since Manaka normally acted the airhead.

Loss of details: というか……とぼけている感じがしていた is gone.

Especially since Manaka normally behaved so airily…or rather, it felt like she plays the fool.

page 75-76 (Japanese)

“They really haven’t come yet.”
When my female upperclassman said that, I agreed with a sigh. “No sign of them at all.”

Wrong subject.
The female upperclassman knows the two boys rarely show up.

“They really aren’t coming.”
When I said that to my female upperclassman, she deeply agreed, “They sure aren’t.”

For some reason, she didn’t add a -chan to Nanami Touko’s name, though I did have a feeling as to why.

Loss of details: 今日は今のところ、生徒会室に先輩と二人きりだった。 is gone.

For some reason, she didn’t add a -chan to Nanami Touko’s name, though I did have a feeling as to why.
Today, so far, I was alone with Senpai in the student council room.

The clouds spread throughout the sky like white-capped waves, and the sun was dim, as though it had sunk into the bottom of the ocean.

Concerning 太陽を海の底に沈めたみたいに薄暗い: now the sun seems to be dim. Is there an eclipse?
The sky is dim because it is cloudy.

The sky was dim with clouds spread out like white-capped waves, as though the sun had sunk into the bottom of the ocean.

page 80-81 (Japanese)

I couldn’t deny that I was making a big deal out of it.

Loss of details: 愛果やみどりと比べて is gone.

I couldn’t deny that I was making a big deal out of it, compared to Manaka and Midori.

“Thank you.”

Concerning 光栄: now Sayaka seems to give a generic response.
Sayaka uses this phrase in volume 1 chapter 2 when she met Touko, and in a later volume 2 chapter 2 scene.

“That’s quite an honor…”

page 85 (Japanese)

We kept peering into the space even after it was deserted for a while. Finally Touko urged me, “Let’s go,” and we ended our little detour.

Wrong subject.
Sayaka gets Touko back on track.

We kept peering into the space even after it was deserted for a while, but eventually I urged Touko, “Let’s go,” and we ended our little detour.

page 86 (Japanese)

“Serizawa, huh… I wonder if she’s in the same club as Ogaki-kun?” Touko put her hand to her chin, nodding thoughtfully. She seemed to know the boy somehow, too.
“He’s not in the same class as her?”
“Ogaki-kun is in our class.”
…Is he?
“Right, of course,” I mumbled vaguely.
Touko’s eyes went round.

This is inconsistent with how the publisher translates 大垣 in the manga. Also, improper grammar and wrong subject. Loss of details: 噓を吐くと is gone.
Sayaka wants to know how Touko knows him.

“Serizawa, huh. …Is she in the same club as Oogaki-kun?”
Touko puts her hand on her chin, humming thoughtfully. She seems to know the boy somehow, too.
“He isn’t in the same class as us, is he?”
“Oogaki-kun is in our class.”
“Right, he is.”
When I mumble my lie, Touko’s eyes go round.

page 89 (Japanese)

“Are you saying my way of thinking is outdated?”

Extraneous implication: now Sayaka seems to ask if her way of thinking is invalid.

“Is my way of thinking old-fashioned?”

page 93 (Japanese)

Her voice was cold, as though she would reject anyone trying to touch on the subject.

Loss of details: その意思を崩さないまま、一歩先を進む燈子は言う。 is gone.

It felt cold, as though she would reject anyone trying to touch on the subject.
Without breaking her intent, Touko moves a step ahead and speaks.

There were so many things I couldn’t see, that Nanami Touko wouldn’t let me see—her weaknesses, her ugliness, her cowardice, her inferiority complex, her jealousy, her trauma, her real self, her public face, her hatred, her timidity, self-denial, her biases, her disposition, her hostility, her spitefulness, and all the many other dark things hidden inside her.

Loss of details: 嫌悪 is gone.
The list pairs words: weakness and dirtiness, baseness and inferiority complex, jealousy and trauma, true feelings and public face, disgust and hatred, servility and self-denial, predilections and proclivities, hostility and spitefulness.

All of Nanami Touko.
There is so much I can’t see, that she won’t show—her weakness, dirtiness, baseness, inferiority complex, jealousy, trauma, true feelings, public face, disgust, hatred, servility, self-denial, predilections, proclivities, hostility, spitefulness, and the many other dark things.

page 96 (Japanese)

One of the upperclassmen looked at Touko and I in turn.

Concerning 先輩: now Sayaka seems unable to keep track of her upperclassmen.
There are only three upperclassmen in the student council: Kuze-senpai (later known as President Kuze), Senpai (the girl with short black hair, the one who does any work), and the other male upperclassman (the light-haired boy who does not have any lines).

Senpai looked at Touko and I in turn.

“One of your underclassman, President Kuze?”

Improper grammar.


“Sayaka-chan, Touko, I think you’d have an easier time next year if you also invited some underclassman… If you have any, that is,” one of the upperclassmen advised us. I wondered if she didn’t have any prospective underclassmen recruits herself.

Improper grammar. Concerning 後輩がいるなら声かけとくと来年楽できる……かもね: now the upperclassman seems to question whether Sayaka and Touko have any underclassmen. Concerning 先輩: now Sayaka seems unable to keep track of her upperclassmen. Loss of details: いたとしても生徒会に誘って色よい返事は難しそうだ。 is gone.
Senpai thinks inviting underclassmen might make things easier. There are only three upperclassmen in the student council: Kuze-senpai (later known as President Kuze), Senpai (the girl with short black hair, the one who does any work), and the other male upperclassman (the light-haired boy who does not have any lines).

“Sayaka-chan, Touko, if either of you know some underclassmen, you should invite them, too. It’ll make your next year easier…probably.”
Senpai advised us. I wonder if she didn’t have any prospective underclassmen recruits herself.
Even if she did, it seemed it was difficult to get a positive answer from them.

“I went to Tomosumi for junior high, so none of my underclassman will come here, I’m sure.”

Improper grammar.

“I went to Tomosumi for junior high, so I don’t see any of mine coming here.”

page 98 (Japanese)

For some reason, something about it felt artificial to me.

Loss of details: ごく自然に見えるその態度に、しかし and やっぱり、最初の驚きのせいだろうか。 are gone.

Her attitude seemed very natural, but for some reason, something about it felt artificial. Was it because of her initial surprise?

page 100-101 (Japanese)

I’m sure she had her reasons…but I wanted her to share those reasons with me.
I wondered what I needed for that to happen. Trust? Friendship? Or was it love?

信頼? 友情? それとも、愛情?
Loss of details: ……そんなことは、誰にでも分かる。 and 取りあえずそのどれもが、一方通行では成り立たないことだけは私も知っていた。 are gone.

I’m sure she has her reasons. …Anyone can understand that.
But I want her to share those reasons with me.
What exactly do I need for that to happen?
Trust? Friendship? Or is it love?
At any rate, I knew that none of them could be a one-way street.

Touko shook her head lightly.

Loss of details: 返事は、私に向いているようで宙をさまよっていた。 is gone.

Touko shook her head lightly. Her reply, seemingly directed at me, lingered in the air.

page 102 (Japanese)

Touko and I could be alone together just by ducking behind this wall.

Concerning 壁一つ越えた: now Sayaka and Touko seem to be hiding, even though the bench is in plain sight.
Sayaka and Touko went from inside to outside the student council room.

Just by crossing one wall, Touko and I could be alone together.

page 104-105 (Japanese)

Using the results of my calligraphy practice, I had written president Kuze’s full name out in large script.

This is inconsistent with how the publisher translates 久瀬会長, which is with an uppercase “P”.

President Kuze

“No, it’s not nearly this disorderly.”
“Disorderly, you say…”

Loss of details: もっと整っているわ is gone.

“It doesn’t feel this restless—it’s more orderly.”

page 107 (Japanese)

Touko gave me a wry smile—one that reminded me of trees resisting a gale.

Loss of details: もう少し、肩の力を抜いた方がよかっただろうか。 is gone.

Touko gave me a wry smile—one that reminded me of trees resisting a gale.
Should I have relaxed my shoulders a little more?

page 109 (Japanese)

I wondered what this meant to Touko.

Loss of details: 明朗に希望を語る is gone.

What kind of connection do they have, as Touko describes her aspiration so clearly?

page 110-111 (Japanese)

The student council was going to be busy enough working on the cultural festival in addition to its regular tasks. Adding rehearsals for a play on top of all that seemed like a dizzying amount of work.

Loss of details: 様々な割り振りといった is gone.
This follows the manga, particularly volume 2 episode 6.

The student council would be busy enough with their task of assigning various things for the cultural festival, and adding rehearsals for a play on top of that seemed like a dizzying amount of work.

I decided I wanted to give her the response she was expecting.

Loss of details: だから。 is gone. The publisher preserves this kind of single phrase in a later volume 2 chapter 2 scene, so why did they remove it here?

I want to give her a response in the shape she desires.
That is why…

Next is the latter half of chapter 2.